Chat Icons

To Put these as your icon, Simply click where your name on chat and delete the number in your picture number. Then Type in the following links and hit ok on the chat. Example:

Photobucket If you want this picture, Copy and paste this code into your picture number on chat:

Photobucket Same with this Here is the link it and delete your picture number and put this link in: copy and paste it.

Photobucket To put this picture as your icon delete the numbers and copy and paste this code into it:

Photobucket to get this copy and paste the code in your picture number box:

Photobucket To put this as your icon put the following link in your picture number:

Photobucket To get this insert this link in your picture number:

Photobucket Do the same thing Here is the link:
My friend got a new camera! heres the video

3 responses

13 12 2009
Jacoby Ellsbury is hott!

yep its cute frosty,but i can do better lolz nah i cnt i not artist i play sports

13 12 2009
Inferno 02

i like da pics frosty. Totally kool

13 12 2009

Hey I made one. lol cutest puppie EVA!
PS. Can you visit my chat? if u dont want it on here u can edit the link off.

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